Monday, September 22, 2008

Sunday Afternoon, Old Sacramento

I already mentioned it has been a long time since painting and that I donated a painting to a fundraiser hosted by a local Rotary club that I am a member of. Here is the painting is I originally wanted to do as an auction item and is my second painting for the auction. And I did start painting this before I started the painting of Irish beach. (However, I finished the Irish beach painting first because it was easier)

Anyway, of the two paintings this is my favorite because my idea for painting this was from Edward Hopper's "Early Sunday Morning." Hopper is one of my all time favorite painters mainly because of the simplicity of the painting and many times I can relate the theme of solidarity that is reflected in his paintings.

Sunday Afternoon, Old Sacramento

I did not want to try and copy the original "Early Sunday Morning." And I thought it would be more appropriate that I use a local setting and create my own idea based on the original painting. As you can see the composition is basically same. This is a painting that I could easily spend a lot of time on, but being limited on time I am glad I was forced to finish this as quickly as possible. Mostly because, I know I would have been messing with this and never finished it.

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